7 Ways to Catch a Ghost

A few times a year a client comes in after a “ghost hunt”. They want to know why they didn’t experience anything. As a medium, it’s the idea of “ghost hunting”, has always baffled me. My thinking has always been, if you believe in ghosts, then you believe that these are incarnate people, right? Would you hunt people? Stop reading now if you answered yes, please.

Okay, I hope not, and I’m guessing that those that want to “hunt”, as it’s said, are looking for some kind of experience and proof that the afterlife exists. Well, I’m here to tell you, it does and if you don’t believe me, you’ll find out soon enough (I hope many years from now). So, if you want proof, here’s my list of seven ways:

  1. Simply ask. When you simply set the intention that this is an experience that you would like to have, someone will hear you and respond. No hunting needed, if you think Spirit is confined to haunted houses, please think again. There is not a single place on this planet that doesn’t have at least a dozen around you at all times.
  2. Record everything. Going back to #1, once you’ve set your intention, you can start recording. Use your phone or a small digital recorder. If this is really what you want, you are guaranteed to get some EVP (electronic voice phenomena). Again, spirits are everywhere, you don’t need to go hang out at a cemetery. Come on now! When you are a spirit, are you going to want to hang out at a freaking cemetery? I bet Hawaii is one of the most haunted places on earth!
  3. Go get a message and meditate. Yup that’s right! The more relaxed you are, the more likely you are going to be able to get messages. That includes having a nice glass of wine or a brew. However let me caution you on that one! One or two is good for you, three or four will close the door!
  4. Find yourself a reputable medium. The best way to find a medium, is word of mouth or to read lots of reviews, and be certain the person has worked in the field a long time. In my humble opinion, there are so many people stating to be mediums and doing “clearings”, that have no clue what they are doing, but are very happy to take your hard earned money. Also be sure if they don’t offer you validation, that you can get your money back.
  5. Join a circle. There are many circles that practice mediumship on a weekly basis. They charge a very minimal fee, and you are guaranteed to grow spiritually, and gain proof of the afterlife.
  6. Start paying attention to your dreams. If you ask a loved one to come to you in dream-time, they will be very happy to! Many times, I have people come through (from the other-side) that tell me they keep trying to talk to a loved-one but they cannot remember when they wake up. It’s not hard, just tell yourself before dozing off that you will remember your dreams, and keep doing that nightly until it becomes clear.
  7. Be kind, loving, be a good person. Why do I add this one? Well, no spirit wants to talk to an asshole, unless they are one, so have at it.

Of course, these are just my experiences! Please share your own below; I’m always interested in other people’s ideas and thoughts! Have a great EVP? Share it! A great story? I love anything that people share in and their experiences!

Now I better share how to clear any unwanted visitors, but that’s an entirely different topic. Happy um er….hunting? Ugh.

Thanks for sharing & liking! xoxo