Spiritual Healing

The Grocery Store Connection Step into my worn-out shoes, where the doldrums of everyday life converge with the subtle hum of the spirit world. —a regular, hardworking individual—on a journey to—yup—the grocery store! As I pushed my shopping cart – you know the one that has the wheel that kind of gets stuck– through the fluorescent-lit aisles of the local grocery store, my mind […]

Does Spirit See Us? Why, yes, & they share cookie ...

I once asked a friend what she learned in fifty years of marriage. My dear bud looked up at me, smiled and said, “well, I learned how to lie, cheat, and steal!” If you knew her you’d laugh. She was in her mid 80’s and had ten kids. My very definition of a saint. We talked about everything under the sun. My horses, her […]

A Word on Love and relationships