When you feel lack, and anger, that there’s not enough

Today I am praying for all the homeless in nearby cities like Chicago as the thermometer plummets to a low of -29 degrees.

Is Chicagoland lacking in places people could go? Are there not enough beds or blankets? Five minutes outside, and you’ll risk frostbite. Yes, tonight there will be deaths due to the cold. We all know this, and at the same time there will be hotel rooms left empty. As humans what do we really hold important? Apparently not each other. We look at life as them and us. Compartmentalizing each other as if we are different species without the same exact feelings; and yet we all do feel the same pain, anguish, and frozen tears if left in the cold.

I’m only one person, and these are obviously just my opinions, but I can’t say there aren’t many people that I cannot grow to care about given the time to know and understand them. (Sans mental illness – no, you cannot make sense of crazy—ever)

There is an epidemic of humans bashing other humans in the fear of –not enough– Sounds simple? Maybe too simple?

Okay fine,

1) think for a moment of what or who it is that currently is under your skin…. I’ll wait…….

Upset with a doctor? They didn’t give enough healing to you? Upset with a significant other? They didn’t give you enough love or understanding?

2) Now that you’ve put a name on the person or situation, what are you believing that was owed to you?

Are you upset because someone has deeply hurt you?

**(Okay one caveat—you cannot make sense of crazy—if you’re dealing with crazy this does not apply—yes crazy exits—I’m still praying on that one!)**

3) Whatever it is you feel was taken or not given, can you–

a) honestly say that what you wish for no longer exits on this planet and that you are prevented from ever experiencing said loss again?

b) Are you able to obtain what you want in another way?

c) If this is a person, speaking from your heart, have you openly and honestly expressed to them that they hurt you, and allowed them to express their side?

I’m just pointing out that it feels great to fully take control of our fears of —not enough

It all kinda boils down to that – we as humans are always hungry for more, and we have an underlying belief that there is a limited supply we must fight for, and someone else must have stolen the cookie mommy left out for us.

Speaking for myself, these days, I can see in most situations, when I felt there’s not enough, there is always an action step I can take to alleviate the situation. I may get stuck at times, but in the end it’s buck up buttercup! When I get in this state, I’m blessed to have wonderful friendships and family that have let me see what I can do, and at times given me a leg up to get back on the horse. Humans need other humans, always! I can find a solution without the need for blame or any other negative feelings towards anyone or anything, including myself.

if we look more deeply, we may see the belief was the lie all along.

Again, this is just how I see it, maybe because I’ve yet to meet even one client or person in general that doesn’t have a cross to bear. Every person has a feeling of lack in at least one area of their lives, and the lie of blame seems a lot easier than being in charge and taking responsibility. It’s just easier to keep attacking and complaining about another person or entity than to look in the mirror. If we pause and look at ourselves and then take positive action and let go of bitterness, life is happier.

Historically, blame has always been what humans do.

When 1/4 of the Irish population came here because they were dying of starvation, a political party used the slogan, “Americans must rule America!” (sound familiar?) They thought the Irish immigrants were taking all the jobs.

As if there wasn’t enough to do in early America, not enough food or land? I try to wrap my head around an undeveloped America not in need of the new population. Those men were wrong. There was enough, and since that time 22 of our presidents have been of Irish decent.

So, looking at fears and why we really have this belief of –not enough– should really be something that, when we hear it, that we take pause. The world is a rich place with plenty for all, if humans could stop to care about all other humans.

So please, today, take a moment to join me in praying for all those that are currently suffering. Those men, women, and children that currently have no warmth. Pray that all may have a fighting chance. Because in the end we are all one family, one race—humanity– and there’s plenty of cookies for everyone when we learn how to care and share. ❤️

Thank you for reading, and praying!

Please share your ideas and thoughts!

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This is my job, so in doing so you help support three dogs and a parrot that need a warm place to live!